The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULVC 5: 22 July 2006

The Aerodymanics Contest (aka The Ski Jump)
This year saw less vehicles exploding on impact with the ramp than any other, but it's soaring heights did not match the marvel of the previous ULVC where this ski jump ramp was first used. Nonetheless, any event that sends vehicles aloft, destroys them, or both, is always a good time.

Satyam makes some last minute adjustments.

J-VEQ's Doomroller catches some air in what turns out to be good enough for 2nd place.

Mark's Short Bus is also able to successfully work the ramp, but will end up only snagging 4th.

Finally Sean's Toot finds has trouble with an event, and yet forces itself over just to save face, thereby placing ahead of Lila and Brendan whose vehicles never even made it to the ramp.

Satyam's Nodnol makes friends with Mr. Ramp.

Kate's M:BOoH3 has been struggling in the contest so far, but it just won't quit, and as the last competitor in the Ski Jump, takes an impressive 3rd place.

Top Performers:
1) Kathy's Oppression of Colonial India
2) J-VEQ's Doomroller
3) Kate's Meatloaf: Bat Out of Hell III

And now our main event: The Structural Integrity Contest...