Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
II: 28 April 2001
Don't worry, Matthew's driver is only resting. Having Satyam's pyramid
car smash into you repeatedly at full speed can be very tiring.

There's only room enough in
the town for one red/black color scheme car! Brendan's wedge throws it
into reverse to deliver the death blow to brother Sean's vehicle.

Although by this point in the competition, Dan and Dan's wife have left
early to go see a Prince concert, his vehicle is graciously piloted
by other contestants, and continues its rampage, sending Jonathan's
driver over the barricade.
J-VEQ's battering ram deals a damaging blow the Dan's brick-on-wheels,
but it is not enough...
In the end, Dan's all-powerful brick split former champion J-VEQ's vehicle
clean in two, dashing his hopes of a repeat victory.
who won?