Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
II: 28 April 2001
Just as in 2000, the winner of the final event proved to be the overall
winner of the day.
Sean diligently tallies the points won by each vehicle in each of the
five events to determine which will be named the 2001 Ultimate LEGO Vehicle.

In a shameful display of bad
manners, Dan wins the ULV contest in absentia. His vehicle, in
its victory condition, is seen here held by Jonathan. Dan later reports
that while his vehicle was being crowned, he was miles away, shaking his
booty as Prince performed his 1986 hit "Raspberry Beret".
Dan, as photographed earlier in the day when he was present, and Prince

The glorious ULV trophies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers
in 2001: Dan, Satyam, and Jonathan, respectively.
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