The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV II: 28 April 2001

J-VEQ's vehicle
Seeking to defend his 2000 title, J-VEQ built a vehicle designed for speed, but more importantly, for inflicting maximum damage to the opponent on impact.

Dan's Wife's vehicle
Though it was roundly looked down upon by the other contestants, Dan's Wife accepted a $2.4 hundred check from corporate sponsor McDonald's to display their logo on her vehicle.

Bryan's vehicle
Perhaps the angriest looking vehicle designed for the 2001 ULV, Bryan's shark-on-wheels boasts big tires and big attitude.

the house car
The "house car" for 2001 resembled just that. Added to the competition to even out the number of competing vehicles, it is also a source for great derision when someone loses to the "house".

Now, onto the events!