BrikWars, March 2002

These eleven BrikWars teams were created for a game held in March 2002. The models are greatly inspired by those of Mike Rayhawk who introduced me to BrikWars at the BricksWest event in February 2002.

The Mutant Horde

Team color: Green
Philosophic Goals: Acceleration of human evolution through forcible mutation and the obliteration of weaker strains.

The Resurrected

Captain: Roger Mortis
Medik: Wallace Ghostal

Fentwik Warriors

Team color: Blue
Philosophic Goals: To have a jolly good time butchering people and blowing stuff up.


Captain: BlogAgg
Medik: Chef Glorg


Team color: Turquoise
Philosophic Goals: Unclear.

The Chuxxx

Captain: Chuck #1
Medik: Doctor Chewbacca, M. D.

Native Americans on Speed

Team color: Earth Tones
Philosophic Goals: Rebuilding of the once proud Indian Nation through the systematic decimation of the white man.

Robonauts of Vikon VII

Captain: Killbot 18F4907j
Medik: Sheila

The Mutant Horde

Captain: Logan Bain III
Medik: "Saint" Timothy

Ardent Doom Squad

Team color: Red
Philosophic Goals: The disciplined study and application of pure evil.

Fentwik Warriors

Captain: Armand Doolittle
Medik: Dr. F. Linkletter

Lords of the Sewer

Team color: Dark Grey
Philosophic Goals: The smiting of all above-ground dwellers.


Captain: Llewop
Medik: H'tmis

Enemies of Fashion

Team color: Orange
Philosophic Goals: Freedom from fashion trends through the destruction of all those with any sense of style.

Native Americans on Speed

Captain: Chief Red Eyes
Medik: Dances with Entrails

The Resurrected

Team color: Light Grey
Philosophic Goals: Propagation of the undead race by the killing of all living things; promotion of undead rights.

Ardent Doom Squad

Captain: Lord Venomous
Medik: Betty


Team color: White
Philosophic Goals: The hunting of humankind for food and sport.

Lords of the Sewer

Captain: Remus White
Medik: Horst Tabernacle, M. D.

The Chuxxx

Team color: Brown
Philosophic Goals: Looting, pillaging, painting the town brown.

Enemies of Fashion

Captain: Melvin Poindexter
Medik: Dr. Strange

Robonauts of Vikon VII

Team color: Black
Philosophic Goals: Robot supremacy; meeting hot chicks.

All images copyright 2002 by The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith.
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