The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV 4: 8 May 2004

Matthew's vehicle
Matthew's Racer M is stylish and sleek, and is controlled directly by brain power.

Lucia's vehicle
LaMoille Innocent is the title of this vehicle brought to us by troubled artist Lucia, who sees this work as representing the conflicts wrought by the encroachment of modern technology on Vermont's peaceful Lamoille River, home to a dragon beast with a dog's head, and a popular tourist attraction.

Jonathan's vehicle
Driven by respected amateur racer Jack Jericho, Jonathan's JJ's Slide hopes to learn from the mistakes of Brendan's 2001 vehicle, and successfully use its raisable ramp to thwart the competition.

Lila's vehicle
Lila's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Lego Car is designed with such clean lines that it is reminiscent of products made by Swedish furniture manufacturer IKEA, and uses space so efficiently that the driver had to squeeze in sideways.

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