The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV III: 6 October 2002

No more Mr. Nice Guy...
With many of the competitors now returning for their third Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest, many of the polite pleasantries of the first two years were dropped. The gloves came off early this year, and there was only one thing on the minds of thirteen participants present: ultimate victory.

Competition for choice parts this year was fierce. Within seconds of the opening bell, Satyam had been vicously hurled to the ground, scattering LEGO everywhere.

Snacks are served, and while Jonathan takes the opportunity to pat his wife Sophie on the rump, celebrity guest Mike Rayhawk just drinks his glass of SPAM and pretends not to notice.

Countless hours spent painstakingly sorting LEGO parts into neat bins are quickly dashed into anarchy as competitors will stop at nothing to get just the parts they need.

Here a comatose April recovers on the sofa while celebrity guest Mike Rayhawk walks by with what looks like a giant Cheeto.

What do we know about these competitors?