The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV III: 6 October 2002

The Ski Jump
This year's ski jump was the most successful, in that several vehicles actually caught some air, rather than just combusting on impact with the ramp. Jonathan (below right) was responsible for creating this year's ramp, once again constructed completely out of LEGO.

Satyam's hot rod flies off the ramp and attempts a 360-degree spin in mid-air.

The ramp is held steady as Bryan's vehcile flies through the air in not one, nor two, but three distinct sections.

Lila's Menagerie hits the ramp with explosive force, sending animals and debris flying about the room.

Jonathan flinches as small pieces of Brendan's juggernaut of a vehicle are cast off when it sails through the air.

Looks of disbelief abound as Tower One of the WTC launches forward and covers enough distance to win the ski-jump event for J-VEQ (in absentia).

Top performers: 1) J-VEQ, 2) Brendan, 3) Bryan

On to the main event...