The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV II: 28 April 2001

Sean's vehicle
With two sets of wheels optimized for different events, Sean's vehicle has a stylized evil color scheme so intimidating that when first unveiled, two rival contestants immediately wet each others pants.

Lauren's vehicle
Hewn out of a strange plastic substance known as LEGO, Lauren's vehicle is reminiscent of the lightcycles from the movie Tron which starred Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner.

Matthew's vehicle
Incorporating both the pizza-delivery motif from Kathy's 2000 ULV entry and the front "scoop" mechanism from Sean's, Matthew's vehicle stands ready to scoop you up and deliver you some pizza.

Kathy's vehicle
Kathy's last-minute complete redesign of her vehicle raised eyebrows for its mind-bending the-wheel-is-the-vehicle concept, not to mention the two sharks chained to the rear of the vehicle.

More vehicles ahead...