The Ultimate LEGO Vehicle Contest
ULV I: 20 May 2000

A legendary stealth assassin, Satyam can be your worst nightmare or your most powerful ally, and more often that not, he is both.

An employee of NASA who designed key components of the International Space Station, Arwen is secretly a hardline communist plant who intends to hijack the Earth and crash it into the sun.

For a woman who once sucker-punched George W. Bush, Lauren remains remarkably humble about her life achievements which also include a national Yahtzee championship at the age of 4.

The self-styled "Reverend" Brendan Powell Smith is the founder of the Wangasmii cult, infamous for leading over 200 of its devotees into the jungles of Africa in 1993, where they committed mass-pesticide.

Although reluctant to refer to himself as a "boy band", Sean's latest R&B hit "Frizzeak Hizouse" is tearing up the charts in Amsterdam, and rumor has it that Justin Timberlake is gay.

Even more contestants!